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If you are unwell for 7 days or less you are not required to obtain a sickline from the GP, for any sickness for under 7 days a self-certificate should be completed through your employer.
If you have been of for 7 days and are unable to attend work on the 8th day you will require to make an appointment to ensure you are able to get a sickline.
It is up to your employer to decide whether you are incapable of work. A sickline, now called a ‘Statement of Fitness for Work’ from your doctor is strong evidence that you are sick and would normally be accepted, unless there is evidence to prove otherwise.
For any sickness that is ongoing you can obtain further sicklines however you cannot obtain these until the existing certificate has expired. For ongoing absence you may also be required to have a further consultation prior to having a new certificate issued.
If you feel you are well enough to return to work you do not need to wait until the end of your sickline. This is normally in agreement with your employer.